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help with adding a mod.

Started by Sispro, Jan 07, 11, 12:25:31 AM

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I have notice something about this theme I really love it but maybe this is some of my problem.

in the admin page under Theme Setting

there is nothing showing like the other themes on there that show

Under Theme Options and Preferences

1. Logo image URL: [ it is not there at all]

2. Site slogan: [it is not there at all]

3. Forum width: [ it is not there at all]

but on all my other theme when i set them and then go to the page it shows this stuff has this been removed in this theme or what.

sorry for being a pain in the ass


Why have it there if it doesn't do anything? ...
==>  "(Settings.template.Php)" = controls these theme functions ..
  • most my themes are like this , all the above u mentioned are controlled in your css/index.css ...
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To make your forum wider, look in index.css for wrapper. It has an width defined. Change that to 90%, and you should be fine ;)


thank you for this info i just won't know if i didn't ask.

now how do i fit all the links to the top bar at the top of the page.

i want like my bookmarks and logout and there is one more they aren't at the top well they are but right below the bar how do i change the size so all of them will be in one row.


make your theme 100% Width .. they should all fit then
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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
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Or change the padding of the menu. I can't give you the coding for that before I see the index.css.


here is my index.css

[attachment deleted by admin]


Find (nearly at bottom):

#topnav li a {
display: block;
line-height: 46px;
padding: 0 16px;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 12px;

Change into:

#topnav li a {
display: block;
line-height: 46px;
padding: 0 12px;    /*<==Change here==>*/
color: #FFF;
font-size: 12px;

Now I think 12px will be enough, but if it isn't, make it 10 or less ;). Also find out what looks good. To low, will make it look crowded.


I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.