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Carbon Monixide Poisoning

Started by Skhilled, Jan 07, 21, 11:40:18 AM

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Yup, happened to me last Thursday and almost took me away from here! Seriously!

My neighbor across the alley from my window where I'm always on the PC is always revving up his motorcycle. I've never really gave it much though except for it being so loud and annoying and him pointing the back end at my window. I have been getting a little sick here and there but didn't put the two together. Until last Thursday when he revved to for about 15-20 minutes and literally almost killed me!

I think God put his hand on my, once again, and gave me the strength to open windows and turn on exhaust fans to help clear it out. I saw very lucky I wasn't asleep at the time or I prolly would not have woken up! Even while it was happening to me I just wanted to sit the and try to catch my breath or take a nap. But I guess God had other plans.   :2up:

I'm just glad it didn't affect my family as they were in different parts of the house.  O0

when I finally talked to my neighbor about it he was very apologetic and promised to never do it again. He's young and prolly didn't realize what he was doing. Had to stop him cause he was doing it again when I finally caught up with him.

I went out to the store yesterday with Lealer and got 2 carbon monoxide detectors...that took a lot out of me and I needed a shopping cart to help keep me upright. lol I didn't try them out until today and they are still saying there's some left in the house. So, in the dead of winter I'll be opening the windows and doors off and until it's all gone. Glad I got them cause I was starting to wonder why I wasn't getting much better.


Glad you are OK  :o

You may want to check the heat source in your house (furnace, stove, etc) to make sure they are working properly.

Authorities here issue warnings about running generators during power outages. People die every year from this one source of carbon monoxide. It is no joke.


Thanks! Everything is working ok. I just need to remember to eat more. For almost a week I didn't feel like eating much and it shows. My clothes are hanging off me. LOL So, I've been forcing myself to eat a lot more lately. :)


Well, that's one way to lose weight?  ??? (NOT a good way though)


LOL...true, just a bit too much atm. LOL

They say God looks out for fools and babies. Maybe he thinks I'm still too stupid to go just yet. LOL