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Question RE: Back n Black header

Started by PythonFanTN, Aug 06, 11, 02:16:47 PM

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Quote from: Crip on Aug 06, 11, 03:39:00 PM U mean the Catbg/Titlebg ??

Perhaps.  Understand, I'm completely new to most all of this stuff, until a couple of days ago other than being admin on an SMF forum or two, I'd never installed nor tried to tweak anything design wise at all.  :)  So I'm pretty much just fudging my way through everything learning little bits as I go.


Quote from: ZarPrime on Aug 06, 11, 03:40:12 PM
It's very close.  Hmmm, maybe try #2F2F2F


Thanks, I'll try that and see what happens.  :)


Zar, that did the trick I believe.  If its off any, my 40 year old eyes can't really tell haha.  Thank you sir! :)


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   - Abraham Lincoln -
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There is a very nice little tool by the name of Color Cop that I have had for a long time.  I use it for very fine color adjustments like this.  It might be handy for you.  Link -->

Topic marked solved. O0



I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
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I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Jeff, I don't know, never really thought to look for a Mac version of it but I'll look around and see if I can find it.  The reason I like it so well is because I can drag that dropper or the magnifying glass on it anywhere on my desktop and zoom in and get an exact color.  I just love that little tool.  So many features for such a small tool as well, like snap to websafe colors, etc.


App. Store I found the one before Lion , so I'm good to go Now!

[attachment deleted by admin]
I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Great.  I'm glad you found something.  Sometimes it's these little apps that make a difference.