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Flagrant questions?

Started by RVD, Oct 14, 10, 01:20:44 PM

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Quote from: RVD on Oct 15, 10, 01:55:47 PM
Quote from: Crip on Oct 15, 10, 01:54:33 PM
Link errors are gone now..
..still one in there about 'quotes' ?

I saw that...

Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Use of undefined constant Memorable_Quotes - assumed 'Memorable_Quotes'
File: /home/vintag12/public_html/trainwreck/Themes/default/Admin.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 214

Any ideas?

I dunno what that is ??
I have become comfortably numb!

No PM's for Support unless invited! 

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Well I thank you for your help and for this very nice theme.

You got mail.$


P.S. any chance you could pm me what you did to fix the first three errors? Just wondering what i had wrong.


I have become comfortably numb!

No PM's for Support unless invited! 

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Any chance you could PM me what you did to fix those first 3 errors?

Just wondering what i did wrong.

Thanks again


smf 1.1.11 is very basic .. I just removed those ' , Home , ' = ' , Forum, '
single 'quotes' aren't good to use.
I have become comfortably numb!

No PM's for Support unless invited! 

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


RVD the error you have looks like it's not theme related, but rather an admin template call that's not correct, it maybe due to a recent modification or change you possibly have made, how ever if you change something in theme that is asking for and admin parse it maybe related to one or more of your buttons...But in any case clear your browser cache, and go through and test all you buttons and see if they get the correct response to their links!

If you have any further problems it's best you zip up the complete theme and let us have a look at it on a demo site!! so we can tested it out for you!

but looks like You and Crip have worked out most of the bugs!! :up:



I will zip the complete theme soon...
Thanks for all the help.


Quote from: RVD on Oct 15, 10, 02:18:20 PM
I will zip the complete theme soon...
Thanks for all the help.

If you find things are working ok, then no need to bother!



I made the exact changes ( I think ) that you did to the index. I am still getting the errors?  I am uploading the two index sections to compare. The one labeled "fixed' is the one from the test site where the errors were fixed by Crip. The one labeled "GRRR" is the one that is still give the three errors listed above after I thought I made the corrections?  Thanks for your help.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I don't believe this will help any of us, please send the complete them as you are using it, you will need to dwn load it from your server via FTP, and then zip it up, I will then load it to my demo site and give it try, but like I mention, I'll need some time and complete details on what you have done and install / un-installed, before this happened! Mods and all. I have a PHP editor, this what is needed to edit PHP and I also have an up-to-date  X/HTML5 and CSS3 editors. MS stuff does not make it in this stuff.

Please note though if Crip is helping you, then lets let him finished up tomorrow! he will get back to you!!!
