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Flagarant Width Edit, Logo Issues, and Board Icon Issues

Started by Lucutious, Oct 31, 10, 03:41:07 AM

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I think your really Long Theme "(category's description)" is your biggest
problem , however Larger sized ons/offs (40x40)px would help as well -- i think?

::: ==  <=== free images ===>

regards ..
I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Quote from: Crip on Nov 01, 10, 10:38:20 AM
I think your really Long Theme "(category's description)" is your biggest
problem , however Larger sized ons/offs (40x40)px would help as well -- i think?

::: ==  <=== free images ===>

regards ..


I'm not sure what you mean by larger sized on/offs.  Do you mean larger images?

After a bit more examination of the problem, I think I see it.  When one goes to the forum index, we're really just looking at a big table.  The colums are as follows:  icon, board name, post stats, last post information.  It looks like the board name is vertically centered in the table, but the icon is not.  If I change the icon to be vertically centered it should fix it, right?

(And where would I change that?)


Yes i meant "images" .. I have never had this happen to another , so I really just dunno what it is -- unless a mod is the cause?
I have become comfortably numb!

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I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.



I seem to be having a hard time explaining what I am thinking, mostly due to the fact I'm not using the same technical lingo that you are.  I apologize, I am learning this stuff as fast as I can.

I do, however, know how to work Microsoft Excel, so I did up a quick and dirty little spreadsheet to show you what I am trying to say.

I am hoping you can help me modify the theme so that it is like the fourth line.

Thanks in advance,

[attachment deleted by admin]


Ok on the top image move your courser over it and see if it says it "new topic" or "some new", there may be an error in your css file for one or the other! same on the lower image!

If they are both the same image, then it does not real make sense.

If it is in fact a some new icon, then this will need to be changed in the style.css, by search for that image!



Pls disregard my last I just checked and they are all no new post!

please zip us a copy of your Css file and I'll have a look on my demo site!



then try one this size ..42x42px

Also , / child Boards plays a role ...or, you could use Default (images) see if it helps?

[attachment deleted by admin]
I have become comfortably numb!

No PM's for Support unless invited! 

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -
TOTM Winner.


Quote from: Maxx on Nov 01, 10, 01:00:29 PM
Pls disregard my last I just checked and they are all no new post!

please zip us a copy of your Css file and I'll have a look on my demo site!


Here it is my friend.

Here's a screenshot of what the default (Core) theme is when using this .css:

*edit* I forgot to attach the .css - It's now attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Crip on Nov 01, 10, 01:03:45 PM

then try one this size ..42x42px

Also , / child Boards plays a role ...or, you could use Default (images) see if it helps?

This is a screenshot with the new graphic you supplied.  It certainly masks the issue somewhat, but I beileve the real fix resides in how those tables are constructed.  I bet it's in a template itself somewhere.

As seen with the screenshot of Core using this .css, it's evident to me that the table just needs to have that graphic centered vertically for it to look correctly.  If needed I'll dig into the tables a bit, but it'll take me a while - I have no clue where to start, so it'll be a learning process for me.

[attachment deleted by admin]


This is not what I need, but let me ask you this,

Do you have the Admin>Current theme>
Forum width:                       

Set the forum width. Examples: 950px,   80%, 1240px. (set for 90%) as well as the wrapper width set the same inside the Index.css, but from your response to my last maybe you are working with the wrong Style.css
You will need to get into you Theme VIA FTA and down load the theme/css/index.css (index.css)file to give it to me.If you edit the css it has to be thru current theme while the flagrant theme it set to your default theme, if you know not what I'm talking about you better let someone in to check this for you.

I just installed the Flagrant theme on my test site and it working just fine at the proper settings!I will be out for a while, but back later!regards,Maxx