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Learn How to Code for the Web!

Started by Maxx, Aug 12, 14, 08:19:40 PM

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I use Codeacademy, it's free and you create stuff as you learn....

Learn How to Code for the Web

Learn How to Code for the Web Every day, thousands of us take a leap into the web development industry, while those who are established are constantly migrating to or learning new web technologies. The web is full of technical, in-depth tutorials, but a recent move toward offering visually-based, highly interactive training materials has widened the possibilities considerably. For this article, we've looked at the most popular sites today that offer online courses in topics related to web development to provide you with details of some current choices. Some are free and some are paid, but all will allow you to tackle a new challenge and expand your horizons, whether you are a beginner or an old hand at the coding game.
Here are an even dozen learning sites that will get you started with a variety of different types of languages and development environments.

Code Academy
One of the most well-known "learn how to code" sites, Code Academy has classes in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP, and APIs. Whether you are looking for help with building a website, mobile or web application development, animation or game construction, you'll find it here. The bite-size lessons make it easy to progress at your own pace or skip over portions. And if you're already a coder, you can look into creating your own course to offer on Code Academy. The site was recently revamped.

  • Cost — Free
  • Special Features — Interactive code console, progress tracker, awards/badges with a point system. Also includes a Q&A forum with questions from users looking for assistance.
  • Other — Get A Hint button helps if you are stuck.

Code Avengers
Their online learning platform offers courses in JavaScript, HTML and CSS  in two tracks – Web Development and Computer Programming. Uses interactive tutorials and a gradual increase in difficulty as the course progresses. No prior knowledge needed. Courses take from 6-14 hours for lessons plus 10+ hours for project completion.

  • Cost — $30 per course, with discounts for purchases of more than 1 course.
  • Special Features — Interactive code console uses Google Drive media connection. Points, badges, and games, including code challenges. Courses contain feedback, hints, glossary, and code references.
  • Other — Code Avengers also offers professional development workshops for teachers and Code Camps in a variety of locations for middle and high school students.

Code HS
This site uses short videos, examples of code and exercises to teach introductory programming. Available courses covers basic JavaScript, HTML, graphics, animation, and data structuring.

  • Cost — Free trial of basic computing course. Paid memberships $25 (access to all materials) or $75/month (also includes debugging help, feedback, and grades).
  • Special Features — Interactive code console. Progress tracker in the Teacher accounts.
Code School With a focus on learning by doing, Code School combines teaching videos, interactive browser coding and gamification to attract users. Courses range from beginner to advanced level and cover Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS and iOS applications for iPhone and iPad devices. Each course has a minimum of five levels. Users move from level to level by completing a series of code challenges.

  • Cost — $29/month. A free 2-day trial.
  • Special Features — Interactive code console. Progress tracker. Awards and badges upon completion of levels and courses. Community forum where students help each other.
  • Other — Code School is always looking for people to add new teaching videos to expand their course offerings.

A more traditional offering, Learnable offers a collections of videos, courses, and books (focus on the well-thought-of SitePoint offerings) that are available 24/7. More than 4,500 videos are available on topics ranging from front-end and back-end development (HTML, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP), design, mobile, usability, and business. Beginner to expert levels are covered.

  • Cost — $29/month, with discounts and perks to sign up for 6 or 12 months. Memberships can be paused. Free 14-day trial.
  • Special Features — Question and answer community forum.
  • Other — Membership includes free downloads of additional books, etc., each month.

Team Treehouse
Closely tied to the Treehouse school offerings, Team Treehouse is a well-organized, professional setup. Courses are organized into tracks that are separated into bite-sized chunks with a guided path. Courses are comprised of videos, quizzes, and code challenges. Topics range from the expected HTML, Ruby, etc. to business concepts and WordPress. Both iOS and Android courses are available.

  • Cost — Basic subscription is $25/month; Pro is $49/month (everything in Basic plus access to industry professionals and workshops/interviews). Free 14-day trial.
  • Special Features — Interactive code console is called "Workspaces" Progress is tracked via bite-sized chunks on a progress scale. Earn points and reward videos, as well as badges and extra points by answering forum questions. Live workshops are held each Tuesday (archived as well).
  • Other — Available as an iPad app, as well as access on mobile devices. Bonus lessons periodically available on trending topics. Free access to GitHub hosting, stock photos, ebooks, and special pricing for access to tools like Moz.
Skillfeed Skillfeed is a more traditional style of learning site, with the focus on a curated collection of online classes and videos dealing with a wide variety of web development and design topics. They boast 28,870 video tutorials, 3,263 hours of learning, and 290 teachers.
Subjects range from web development to software such as Dreamweaver and Illustrator. Courses can be accessed from any device at any time, and range from short tips (Skill Snacks are less than 20 minutes long) to longer, comprehensive how-to videos (more than 20 minutes in length).

  • Cost — $19 per month. 7-day free trial.
  • Other — Skillfeed is always looking for new video material from aspiring instructors.

Focusing on "real world" skills, Udemy courses range from web and mobile development and design to arts and crafts topic (yoga anyone?). Enrollment has exceeded 3 million students with more than 16,000 courses available that can be accessed via any device.
Each course is different in terms of what it offers – some are just a simple video while others provide access to extensive content/lectures, student forums, etc. Course descriptions include any prerequisites, results you can expect, and target audience. As well, reviews from students who have taken them, make it easy to judge if a course will work for you.

  • Cost — Some courses are free, but others range in price from about $20 to hundreds of dollars. For example, a course in Android 4.0 for Java is $39, while a course on becoming a professional web developer is $299.
  • Special Features — Certificates of completion. An Udemy app for iPhone, iPad and Android on Google Play and Apple App Store is available.
  • Other — Free previews and money-back guarantees for many courses.

Courses are offered in Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, with the emphasis on basics. Offers Java for Beginners, an interactive edition of Java For Dummies, with 125+ new practice exercises and more than 60 hours of content.
Course format is lessons, exercises, videos on JavaScript, Ruby, and Python basics with 100+ interactive exercises in each course. . Hints and a glossary are included in each lesson.

  • Cost — Free
  • Special Features — Interactive code console in the browser and lessons can be restarted if needed.
  • Other — Version for teachers lets them coordinate course for their students via due dates for lesson and project completion and monitoring of performance.

From beginner classes (e.g., Intro to Point-and-Click App Development) to advanced (e.g., Artificial Intelligence for Robotics via Programming a Robotic Car), the courses cover topics in data science, web development, and assorted math and graphics courses.
Self-paced courses with industry experts involved in course development, ensuring cutting-edge techniques and focused on today's challenges for software developers. Udacity has partnered with Georgia Tech's online accredited Master's Degree in Computer Science.

  • Cost — Free access to info, lectures and auto-graded exercises. Paid courses add project planning and access to a Personal Coach for project help. 14-day free trial with a paid course (e.g., $200/month for Data Wrangling with MongoDB with estimate of 2 months to complete at 6 hours/week).
  • Special Features — Interactive code console and course completion certificates are recognized by industry leaders such as Google, AT&T, and Salesforce. Each course has its own course discussion forum.
  • Other — Personalized coaching with on-demand chat.

FrontEnd Masters
What sets this one apart is its format – the training is provided via videos of live workshops where students have asked questions during the lessons. Courses are 3-1/2 to 6 hours in length, and served in 5-15 minute long modules. Focus is less on beginner level, so not for those looking for the basics.
One downside – the content is only available via streaming video, so you cannot watch the videos offline.

  • Cost — $39/month for access to 550+ video lessons. Discount for yearly signup. Some free lessons are available via email program weekly. Sample lesson on site to preview before buying.
  • Other — Experts featured in some videos include the creator of AngularJS, founder of JSON, and jQuery team members.

Offers a wide variety of online videos on a broad range of topics from computer languages and programming to software and social media.

  • Cost — Basic plan at $29/month includes all courses (including mobile app access) and progress tracking, but need to have Plus plan (starting at $49/month) to receive exercise files, certificates and offline viewing. Offers a 10-day free trial.
  • Other — Some courses do not have tests and therefore, no certificates of completion.
What's stopping you> get started today, prepare yourself for the future.



Maxx  - Thank You for the information.

I really need to get started on some of that. Then I might have a clue ;D


yes once you
get started with Baby steps, you will find your self on a journey that you will never want to stop... Many never try, because, it looks hard, but it's a hobby worth the effort and time! Nothing is hard, it's just hard getting started at times!

For many of us older, Gents, none of this was available to, and now you can learn for free! So there is no reason not to get started young!
