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Confirmation Dialogues

Started by Steve, Mar 30, 23, 04:27:06 PM

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Okay, how did you get rid of those stoopid confirmation  dialogues?

I marked a board read and didn't have to click again  to make it happen.

How you do dat?


I'm not exactly sure what you mean...

...and whatever it is we didn't have anything to do with it.  ???


Whenever you click something like 'Mark Read' there's always a popup that says are you sure you want to do that ... I'm not getting those here.


This site is SMF 2.0. And, Maxx (the last admin here) made a lot of changes to the default theme here that I'm unaware of. I do remember him talking about making a lot of those changes but I have no idea what he's done nor how he did it. I wasn't a support staff member back then and I wasn't much of a theme coder and I have no idea where to start looking for such things. LOL

Personally, I've never needed to do that here as I've read all messages and assume they were already marked 'read'. So, I wouldn't know where to start to find it???

I keep saying that one day I'll start the default theme from fresh and fix some of the things like the font sizes, etc. and allow users to set it to their own wishes instead of such things being the 'default'. ;)


No worries Steve. I didn't realize this was a 2.0.x site which answers my question. :)


I do plan to upgrade it sooner or later but I've been busy with the themes. I'd like to get a few of them out soon.


Don't blame ya one bit. Would like to see the themes myself. :)