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DarkModern v2.1.14 Released!

Started by Skhilled, Mar 29, 24, 09:48:09 PM

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Quote from: Skhilled on Dec 07, 24, 10:45:13 PMOk, this is still not working for me in dev using FF. Maybe a browser issue? So, after playing with it, I've changed min-height to 300px and it looks a lot better. I think the main issue is that their logo is about 2-3 times the height of other logos.
For whatever reason the entire #header section is in both index.css and responsive.css. I bet that is why it is not working for you.

When you adjust both to min-height: 70px; you get this -



Yes, it puts it 'inside' the header but, I can't seen to make it show above the header in FF.

EDIT: I'm also wondering if there's a way to accommodate logos of unusual height/width in the code so we don't have to re-write code for each theme?