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Need Help in Orange line theme please

Started by simmi2121, Jan 11, 11, 04:37:38 AM

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hi guys First of all thanks Crip bro and all members  for making such a beautiful theme's and such a nice community...  m so happy to be a part of this community ....

      ok now my problem is that  in orange line theme i want to change my font color to any dark  color .....   how can i change ? i mean in file at which part ... so that it will change all the TOpics + sub Topics color ...    i am attaching a screenshot might it will help you guys ...

i will be thankful if some 1 help's me ...


Find this in index.css:

.table_list tbody.content a.subject {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 110%;
color: #f0a118;

Change the color to the desired ;)


kool bro it works .....    THNX .... a lot .... 

BRO but  what about topics inside it ....   ur answer is perfect .. it worked bro thnx but when i clicked it to see the topics inside tht category board  they were orange how to change the color of the topics and CHILD BOARD both ....

thnx brother .....


Could you post an screenshot of what you mean? I don't get you.



If you change those, then you change every link on the forum... You'll have to see if that is what you want...

In the index.css it is the first tag you'll see. It's something like:

color: #xxxxxx;


yes brother got each and everything .....  thnx all my confusions got over ...

   TOPIC SOLVED thnx a lot ....


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